Taking A Drawing Course

I wanted to hone my drawing skills and just been drawing things aimlessly. Just a couple of weeks ago I stumble to a YouTube ad, AdBlock had crashed while afk, of The Ultimate Drawing Course on Udemy. Cause of the enthusic voice of the instructor in the video I had to check it out. With the very generous set of previews of the course and a sale I signed up.

First lesson is an to draw an eye to follow thru as a test on where your drawing ability is. He said that by the end of the course I will draw another eye and compare the first one to see the improvements to it.

Eye drawing for the course

Next set of videos is about working on lines fundamentals. The usual of keep drawing different lines on a paper. Then contour lines, lines that makes basic shape and some details. One of  his subject is a boot mine is a sunflower. Here’s a few images of what I made following the lesson

Line exercise of different lines


Line exercise where you look on the object only never in on the paper.
Line exercise of random objects both reference online and around me
A sunflower drawing that is mixed of the second and third exercise.

Now do not let that sunflower drawing fool you, it comes from a tricky exercise where you have to look more on the subject/reference while drawing. The line subject finishing off with cross contour lines, lines which gives shape a from. Think of a circle becomes a sphere. The instructor coming back the his boot drawing he uses cross contour lines to refine his drawing.

Now that is where I will continue the course is to refine the sunflower drawing with cross contour lines. And as an assignment I will do several other objects.